PILATES ON THE FARM — Poughkeepsie Farm Project
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  • Poughkeepsie Farm Project 51 Vassar Farm Lane Poughkeepsie, NY, 12603 United States (map)

Purchase ticket here!

BYO yoga mat and water bottle. No reservations or tickets required!  Suggested donation $20.

Joseph Pilates created a system of movements that encourages focus, restores and refines movement as building blocks for health and mobility. Pilates can be done at any time, anywhere and by anybody. With a strong focus on your core, simple exercises create balance in your gait, stance and body. This then transfers to the mental and emotional components of your being. Ultimately establishing clarity, focus and overall strength. 

A note from the instructor, Marika Romero, certified Pilates instructor.  "I feel blessed to have a body that talks and a mind that listens. I have been fortunate to have created Limber Up Studio located in Lake Hill NY, a hamlet of Woodstock. I have a number of dedicated students and am reaching into the next phase of my life with more ease and grace. I invite you to join me. Feel free to reach out with any questions."

You can contact Marika directly at marika@limberupstudio.com.

Earlier Event: May 18
Later Event: June 1
CSA Distribution Day