Multicultural Children's Literature in the Garden (Webinar)

Learn to use multicultural children’s literature to enhance your garden-based instruction and teach concepts in social studies, science, and nutrition. Discover great multicultural children’s literature and practice developing engaging learning activities that meet the goals of your program or school. Poughkeepsie Farm Project educators will share tips, a book list, and best practices for using literature to center your instruction. In this workshop, participants will learn:
--the benefits of using multicultural children's literature
--how to use high quality multicultural children's literature to enhance garden-based instruction
--about several great children's books and gain an annotated book list

Titles and video links for books discussed during the workshop:

Worksheet from the exercise completed in the breakout rooms (not shown in the recording):

Learning objective ideas:
Students will be able to:
(3rd)Identify 4 things plants need to grow (sunlight, water, soil, space)
(1st)Name one way your family is similar to the family in the story
(1st)Name one way your family is different from the family in the story
(1st)Name the colors of the rainbow and a vegetable or fruit of each color
(3rd)Name the six plant parts (root, stem, leaf, seed, flower, fruit)
(3rd)Explain the function of each plant part

Other Read Alongs on the Poughkeepsie Farm Project YouTube Channel:

Resources for In the Garden with Dr. Carver:

Thank you to American Farmland Trust and Farm to Institution NYS for collaborating to offer this professional development opportunity.
