Pricing and Payment Options
Collective Sustenance Access: Our CSA is for everyone.
While traditional CSA’s entail members (or shareholders) buying a “share” of the farm at the start of the season -- which then allows farms to pay for seeds, equipment and labor, and to focus on growing food rather than marketing -- we recognize that up-front payment in full may only be available to those more privileged members of our community.
To ensure that our food is available to all, we offer many different payment options. From full-priced shares to self-selected discounts up to 20%, deeper discounts of 50% for shares purchased with SNAP benefits, sponsored shares, and payment plans, we work to ensure that everyone, from our most privileged to our most disadvantaged neighbors, have access to the nourishment produced by our farmers on this land.
Payment Plans
If you would like to sign up for a CSA share and are in need of assistance paying for it, please email and include "Payment Plan" as the subject of your email. We will work with you to determine a payment plan that meets your needs.
Self-Selected Discounts
We offer self-selected discounts from 5-20% off the value of our full- and fall-season shares. We are unable to offer discounts for add-on shares such as fruit, egg, and coffee. We ask you to practice mindfulness as you choose your share, as this supports our efforts to ensure an equitable and accessible experience for all.
SNAP Discounts
CSA Shares purchased using SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, benefits receive a discount of 50% off the value of the share. This discount applies to full-season half and whole shares only, and does not apply to any add-on shares (ie: fruit, egg, coffee). These shares are only available to SNAP beneficiaries, and are made possible through the “CSA is a SNAP” project through the Hudson Valley CSA Coalition and funding from the GusNIP grant #2019-70030-30397 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
To learn more about these shares, visit our CSA is a SNAP page.
Sponsored Shares
We provide subsidized CSA shares of farm produce to low-income families who want to be part of a community supporting local agriculture. Sponsored share members pay as they can, when they can, and only if they can. We serve 120+ individuals in our community with sponsored shares annually.
Full-price shares
The price of these shares reflects the full value of the share with no discounts. These shares do not subsidize the cost of any of our discounted shares.
To support a neighbor in need, consider making a donation to our food access efforts by joining donating to PFP. Your contribution will support equity, autonomy, and farm-fresh food for our economically disempowered neighbors.