Workshare is an opportunity we provide for CSA shareholders to "pay" for a portion of their share in labor. Working on the farm is part of a long tradition of Community Supported Agriculture. However, since we recognize not everyone wants to (or physically can) work on the farm, we offer workshare as an option, not a requirement.
If you're interested in getting hands-on with your farm and getting to know your farmers, workshare could be a good fit for you!
New to workshare? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:
What kind of work will I be doing?
Harvest & Fieldwork shifts entail working with the farm crew to harvest and tend the crops. These generally include lots of bending, kneeling, stooping, and can be lifting heavy bins. Prepare to get dirty.
Distribution shifts require folks to lift heavy bins, kneel, and stoop. Please read the shift description for specific shift details.
What should I wear/bring?
Outdoor shifts (Harvest & Fieldwork shifts) happen in most weather conditions, including heat and light rain. Dress warmer than you think you need, bring more layers than you think you need. Dress appropriately for the weather (ie: light cotton shirts if it's hot, waterproof boots if it's muddy). We require closed-toe shoes at all times, and strongly recommend bringing a hat, sunscreen, and reusable water bottle.
What if I can’t kneel/bend/lift etc? Is there other work I can do?
Most workshare work IS physical in nature. However, we do usually have some lower-impact projects over the course of the season, such as cleaning onions or sorting garlic. If you’re committed to participating in workshare and are looking for something a little less physically taxing, please email the CSA & Workshare Manager at
How do I sign up?
After you've signed up for a working share through our farm store, you will receive information from the Workshare Coordinator about signing up for your shifts through Signups usually go live in April, with shifts starting in May.