Shares for All Seasons
We harvest from May through March. Consume something awesome year-round!
Our most popular shares are full-season shares, which run for 23 weeks from June-November, and include a weekly pickup of either a whole or half share. Browse all shares currently available at our Farm Store.
Shares of PFP-Grown Vegetables
Full Season
Duration: 23 weeks, usually the first week of June through early November
Pickup: Weekly
Description: Eat with the seasons! All shares generally include a fresh-eating green (lettuce, arugula), a cooking green (bok choy, cabbage, collards, kale), an allium (scallions, onions, garlic, scapes), and a selection of fruits (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons, winter squash) and/or roots (beets, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, radishes, turnips).
Includes: Choose 1-2 items from a selection of “Choice Items” at pickup. Choice items could include cilantro, dill, escarole, fennel, kohlrabi, sauce tomatoes or other crops.
Quantity: Select whole (~10 items) or half (~5 items)
Whole Share, not including choice units
Half share, not including choice units
Whole shares weigh an average of 9-15 lbs, depending on the season. These are frequently chosen by families of 3-4, or by couples or individuals who consume a vegetable-based diet.
Half shares weigh an average of 4-10 lbs. These are frequently chosen by couples, or by families who consume a moderate amount of vegetables.
Other: Select Tuesday (2:30-6:00pm) OR Saturday (9:00am-noon) pickup at PFP when purchasing your share. This will be your pickup day for the entire season. Pickup day and location in the City of Poughkeepsie TBA.
**Full-season shares include PYO
Dates: Early June through mid- November
Distribution: Pickup at PFP CSA tent; 51 Vassar Farm Lane, Poughkeepsie, at the intersection of Raymond & Hooker.
Fall Season
Duration: 10 weeks, usually the first week of September through early November
Pickup: Weekly
Description: Join the CSA just as summer meets autumn, and get in on the peak harvest season! Like the Full season shares, expect to see at least one green, one allium, and one fruit and/or root in most shares. Look forward to tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, onions, sweet potatoes, potatoes, purple and violet turnips and a selection of winter squash.
Includes: Choose 1-2 items from a selection of “Choice Items” at pickup. Choice items could include cilantro, dill, escarole, fennel, kohlrabi, sauce tomatoes or any of our other crops.
Quantity: Select whole (~10 items per week) or half (~5 items per week)
Whole share, not including choice units
Half share, not including choice units
Whole shares weigh an average of 9-15 lbs, depending on the season. These are frequently chosen by families of 3-4, or by couples or individuals who consume a vegetable-based diet.
Half shares weigh an average of 4-10 lbs. These are frequently chosen by couples, or by families who consume a moderate amount of vegetables.
Other: Select Tuesday (2:30-6 pm) OR Saturday (9:00am-noon) pickup when purchasing your share. This will be your pickup day for the entire season.
**Fall-season shares include PYO
Dates: Early September- Early- November - specific dates will be available before the start of the season.
Distribution: Pickup at PFP CSA tent; 51 Vassar Farm Lane, Poughkeepsie, at the intersection of Raymond & Hooker
Winter share
Duration: 16 weeks, usually the end of December through mid-March
Pickup: First & third Saturdays (8 total)
Description: Eat all-year long with us! Each distribution is a generous one, weighing in around 15-20 lbs, and is intended to last two weeks. Expect 3 fresh greens from our winter-growing high tunnels (bok choy, kale, lettuce mix, mustard greens, spinach and cabbage) plus 7 items from our cold storage. Storage crops could include beets, butternut squash, carrots, celeriac, daikon, garlic, kohlrabi, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, turnips, watermelon radish.
Quantity: 10 items per pickup
2024 Details:
Dates: December to March
Distribution: Environmental Cooperative at the Vassar Barns, 50 Vassar Farm Lane, Poughkeepsie
Shares from Friends of PFP
Add-ons from partner farms
Eggs, Dairy, Fruit & more all available on our farm store! They are usually available for purchase between October & June with pick up between June & November.